Friday, June 19, 2009

Good News, Everyone! Chan-wook Park edition.

Some good things are happening for the Chan-wook Park fans out there. First of all, as you may or may not know, Steven Spielberg and Will Smith are developing an American adaptation of Oldboy. Okay, calm down. That's definitely not the good news. The good news is that, according to ANN, the publisher of the original Oldboy graphic novel is suing to put a stop to this. I'm sure that they just need to renegotiate their contract, but hopefully it will stall production enough to keep this from ever being made.

In other news, IGN has the first US red-band trailer for Chan-wook Park's newest film Thirst. I've embedded the trailer below for your viewing pleasure. I'm honestly surprised that I can still be excited for another vampire movie at this point, but I sure am!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, now you reminded me I need to finish the trilogy yet. How will I ever get my 80s movies watched now!?
    Also, Spielberg doesn't have the guts to remake Oldboy in any suitable fashion. He'd have to break way too many of the current "major motion picture" rules he helped create. But if he did, I'd watch it.
